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Here is a quick roundup of this season.
I have had a fantastic start winning the first trial of the season at the Fabulous “Stean” North Yorks with my Rabbiting machine Kelly.
Things went a bit downhill from there ! I think I used up all my luck on that trial.
I ran her in five opens but only achieved a couple of com’s for my efforts, No excuses but I did not get any luck in the trials and just like everyone else I need a bit of luck to go along side my dogs.
To be fair I would of settled for a win before the season started, I always thought she would be next years dog so I am still very happy with this years outcome.
I also managed to get a few open trials to judge having gained my B panel status.
I have been about a bit this season traveling to dorset and as far north as perth.
My best moments of the year have been spent with the dogs I have bred training with them and shooting over them.
Jimmy Baldwins dog “Jake” bred from Izzy to Edwardiana black magic
Dave Jennings bitch “Lucy” bred from Izzy to Edwardiana black magic
Jim O’conners bitch “Maggie” bred from Bonnie to Sunny and also Mick Huitson FTW dog “Buster” bred from Bonnie to Sunny
Mick has also won an open trial with his turbocharged dog Balmuir Skylark or “rossi” as we all know him.
Although there are no guarantees in trials all these dogs I have bred are more than capable of winning and are all natural game finders with real pace.
I also had a young dog representing Kilhopemoss at this years championships
OFTW Kilhopemoss Minder, although he fell by the wayside on that occasion I am very confident he will go on to gain FT.CH status from what I have seen of his hunting.
The next generation of pups are coming through bred from Bonnie to Buccleugh Pepper and are looking really good I would think they will be somewhere near ready to trial by the end of the summer months, if we can find a few Rabbits for them.
Once again they have electric pace and action with an unreal desire for retrieving. !
“Watch this space”